I looked back at my OLD blogger and the last post was in October of 2010...not too bad...ONLY 6 years ago. I must take a moment to THANK MY DAUGHTER, JOY MORYKON....for lovingly prodding me into entering "blogger-land" (don't know if that is a real thing or not??) So, um..yea...I am BACK IN CHILE... I hope I didn't cause anyone to faint or have a heart attack!! I came back in February of 2015 to "try it out" As my Blog Title says "In GOD"S Hands" that is where I'm at, one step at a time, learning and living once again in Santiago, CHILE. AHEM....we were champs this year too!!! I know...it's
CRAZY...but WONDERFUL as well. Ok...so I did it and there will be more to
come as I try and "rewind" for you all...HOW IN THE WORLD DID GOD DO
Yay for daughters encouraging their mommas! I look forward to this new blog.